
Wintersemester 2020/2021

Mit unseren Aktionen im Rahmen der Erstiwoche verhilft euch die StuVe zu einem guten Start ins Unileben und wünscht euch ein tolles erstes Semester!

Pünktlich zum Semesterstart versorgen die Referent*innen des AStA die neuen Studis mit StuVe-Ersti-Tüten im Foyer. Diese enthalten umfangreiche Informationen, Materialien und alles, was zum erfolgreichen Studienstart benötigt wird. Die Referent*innen stehen mit Rat, Tat und Tickets für die StuVe-Ersti-Party zur Seite. Bei der Vollversammlung darf die Studierendenvertretung natürlich auch nicht fehlen und begrüßt offiziell alle neuen Studierenden. Die Ersti-Party, vom Referat für Kultur und Events organisiert, bietet außerdem die optimale Chance neue Kontakte zu knüpfen und an der Uni richtig anzukommen.

Freshman Week 2020/21

The student body-what is that?

To get to know us, the student body, we have introduced ourselves to you during the freshman week. If you want to get to know us, you can also watch an explanatory video of our chairwoman Alex at our youtube channel. Simultaneously, this is our invitation to you to take action within the student body! The student body is made possible trough the help of motivated and active students that support us with their creativity. Are you especially interested in a project or department of the student body? Then join us- we look forward to meet you!

If you want to get further information or want to chat a little bit, we are happy to receive your e-mail to


With the scavenger hunt of the department of sustainability and equality, we hope you could get to know the sustainable spots of the city of Constance, as well as listen to our livingroom concerts organized by the Department for Culture and Events and dance throughout the night during the digital freshman party! We hope, you had as much fun as we had!