Our Senators

The Senate as the highest institution of the university deals with the organization of the university. That includes the organization of deciding institutions as well as the organization of committees and individual majors. Last, the Senate deals with the maybe most important task of deciding the academic orientation of awarded professorships. The senate is the intern deciding institution of the university where the different members of the university come together. Other members of the senate is the collective rectorate that includes the rector as chair, the deans and the referee for equality. Additionally, nine professors, three scientific and three non-scientific members of the university as well as four students of the university are elected onto the senate. The meetings are not public and protocols are provided when requested. You can find the current student senators here if you log in. You can find additional information here.

Die aktuellen studentischen Senator*innen findet ihr hier, sobald ihr euch einloggt. Weitere Informationen über den Senat findet ihr hier.